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Pool General Info
Pool Name: NOTE: Please use only A-Z a-z 0-9 #&-.
NOTE: Name will be displayed in this manner
Account ID: Account Status: Pool Type: Log Record Profile: Service Type: Main Pool Volume: Spa/Wader Volume: Pool Gate Code: # of Lifeguards: Display Notes: Created On: Updated On: Updated By: Via What:
Users Assigned

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Pool Photos
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Pool Status
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Pool Notes (Leave blank if you do not want Hours Displayed)
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Pool To Do List Add Pool To Do List Item
Edit categories icon Add Service Call Record

Pool Location
Address 1: Address 2: City: State: ZipCode: Country: Pool GPS Location
GPS Latitude GPS Longitude Lookup Address
Pool Contacts Add Pool Contact
Pool Map Load Full Screen Google Map
Billing Information
Address 1: Address 2: City: State: ZipCode: Country:
Billing Contact
Contact Name: Phone: Email: NOTE: If using the Account feature this email must match the one used in the QuickBooks contact.
These emails do not receive the email reports from the Mobile Devices.
(Use a , to separate addresses)
Pool Equipment List
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Pool Equipment Videos
Video Link #1
Title: Link: View Video Link #2
Title: Link: View Video Link #3
Title: Link: View
Video Link #4
Title: Link: View Video Link #5
Title: Link: View Video Link #6
Title: Link: View

PoolTrac does not allow you to upload videos to your account but does allow you to upload them to any video sharing service like YouTube, then copy the link to the fields above.

Pool History Add Pool Alert
Documents Add Pool Documents
Pool Email Customization
Email Setup
Show/Hide Pool Address Show/Hide Start Time Show/Hide Weather/Pool Info Show/Hide Wader Pools Show/Hide Water Chemistry Show/Hide Chemical Feeders Show/Hide Chemical Additions Show/Hide Facilities Show/Hide Service Equipment Show/Hide Pool Cleaning Save These settings have been replaced by the new custom Log Record Profile.
You can change the selected profile on the General Info tab.
Modify your Log Record Profiles here.
Client App Settings
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